VIP Coaching for Individuals and Couples
VIP Coaching With Couple Experiencing an Affair
To view all 5 episodes of Dr. Mamiko Odegard with James Malinchak click HERE.
VIP Coaching Programs
You’ve struggled with how to find that special partner in your life…Did your career consume your focus? Now are you alone at the top, longing to have that loving partner?
You can’t figure out how others can attract attractive, sexy, emotionally healthy, quality men or women but you keep hooking up with “losers” who can’t commit, cheat, and then dump you. You cant stop thinking “what’s wrong with me?”
You’re confused whether to stay in a lifeless, loveless marriage and you don’t know how to change your relationship for the better, much less fall back in love.
You’re shocked, in pain and disbelief, riddled with a mixture of mistrust, betrayal, anger, loathing for yourself or your partner. What do you do next to start the healing process?
Somehow when you seem to be building that relationship and trust, or making strides to make your mark on your personal or professional achievement, you unwittingly sabotage your success.
Trying to figure out realistic, practical, fruitful solutions on your own are fraught with lots of trials and errors. Do you really have the time, energy, money and resources to keep on doing a hit or miss for happiness, love, and success in life and career?
Let me, Dr. Mamiko Odegard, with skills in love, relationships and performance be your guide, mentor and partner… I want to share with you my own personal and professional strategies of overcoming life’s challenges so you can actually thrive under pressure with self-acceptance love, and deep relationships (read more about Mamiko)… You need a person who has been through the trenches, in your shoes, and achieved miraculous results. No matter who you are and what you’ve experienced you can be and are EXTRAordinary and you can enjoy your ultimate relationships!
There are 3 levels of VIP Programs especially designed to help you achieve your goals in a matter of hours, days, or weeks – not months or years.
VIP Individual or Couples Coaching
The VIP one-day (8 hours) individual or couples coaching is the ideal way to be introduced to coaching and realistically reach your goals in your own timeframe. This program can be used all in one day to attain critical information and create new awareness and skills to reach your goals. If you rather use this program in segments or naturally break when you attain key milestones, the pacing is up to you, your comfort level, and your readiness to move towards your goals. With this innovative intensive format, you can create movement toward your dreams in hours, days, or weeks.