Monthly Archives: December 2016

Dr. Odegard presents at ASU to FUSC Chinese Coaches

Speaking to the top 100 FUSC (Federation University Sports China) Coaches

Mamiko Odegard Presents to Chinese Coaches





November 7, 2016
ASU FUSC Presentation


Such a thrill and honor presenting at ASU to the FUSC top university coaches from China. Complete with an interpreter and a powerpoint in both English and Chinese!
The coaches and I laughed and had fun at this Global Educational Event.

Unique Coaching Experience!

Mamiko Odegard, Chinese Coaches, American ChristmasSome of the top Chinese university coaches in basketball, swimming, and track – and their five interpreters came to our home yesterday for a BBQ feast!  After our meal, they set up the first Christmas trees they have ever seen and decorated them… working efficiently and quickly as a team. They beamed with joy and pride to help me and to celebrate and early Christmas!

Mamiko Odegard, Unique Coaching Experience, Chinese CoachesSome more of the coaches and me at our home yesterday!

Fabulous group…
Truly memorable time!