48 Hour Makeover:
Rapid and Dynamic Lasting Change
Is there such a thing as a Rapid Makeover? Can dramatic changes take place in a person’s life in 48 hours? The answer is a resounding “YES”! You can experience accelerated performance.
Dr. Mamiko Odegard, the acclaimed love and relationship and world-class performance expert, has worked with thousands of individuals and couples as a coach, psychologist, and individual and couples therapist.
If you’re confused about whether to stay or leave a relationship or are dealing with a devastating fallout or an end to a career, Dr. Mamiko will give you practical tools to help you gain clarity around the decisions and actions you can take. She’ll help you figure out and take loving actions for yourself to be your best self, to take the pathway of forgiveness and recommitment, or the road to ending the relationship. She will also help you discover the best choices in the relationship with yourself when it comes to rebounding from some other unsettling change in your life – to which you must come to terms and adapt in a manner that best benefits you.
- Learn the #1 Mistake your make in relationships, life and careers and how to avoid them;
- Identify and change what attracts you to unhealthy aspects of life in which you repeatedly feel devalued, deprioritized, cheated on, or fear rejection and abandonment.;
- Let go of blame, pain, and past hurts (even if he’s had an affair);
- Immediately deepen your connection with others.
- Use proven techniques to more effectively “close the deal.”
- Take proactive steps when your career, your place on a team, or business is in jeopardy.
- Create greater honesty and deeper communication with your partner and others in your life (especially if you or the others with whom you must engage have difficulty expressing important feelings);
- Understand the role you play in creating your current relationships and how to turn them around;
- Decide whether to re-ignite your love and passion for a relationship or career.
- Choose to bring a relationship or career to a gracious close; and
- Create a new and better beginning for you.
To find out whether a 48 Hour Makeover is for you, call 480-391-1184 or email Success@drmamiko.com to schedule a confidential complimentary consultation with Dr. Mamiko. Be sure to leave the best times and dates for your appointment to start your life for a healthier, happier, more EXTRAordinary you.